

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/08)

2021年08月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
27271.exit poll(出口調査)the activity of asking people how they have voted in an election in order to discover the likely result
Based on the exit polls, I think she7s going to win. 
Voca Incorporated is listed on two exchanges
27273.blue-chip(優良な)a share in a well-managed, successful company with a long record of paying profits to shareholders during good and bad economic times
Blue-chip stocks are almost always safe investment. 
27274.corruption(腐敗、汚職) dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power 
When government and business mix, corruption often occurs.
27275.blackmail(恐喝する)when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets/when someone tries to make you do what they want by making threats or by making you feel guilty if you do not do it
They blackmailed me into sighing the contract