


2021年08月25日 | 爺英語

(David Muir / Anchor)
Finally tonight here, the young man applying for a new job and his cover letter. His words, his determination.
Tonight, the cover letter, now seen by millions. The 20-year-old with autism, Ryan Lowry, from Leesburg Virginia, applying for work as an animation artist.
He's gifted in math, music, and technology.
(Ryan Lowry)
"I'm a bright guy, but I also have ... communication is hard for me."
So Ryan wrote his cover letter and posted it on LinkedIn. Tonight, right here, Ryan reading his letter to us.
(Ryan Lowry)
"Dear future employer. My name is Ryan Lowry. I realize that someone like you will have to take a chance on me."
And he goes on to write, "I don't learn like typical people do. I would need a mentor to teach me, but I learn quickly, once you explain it, I get it.”
(Ryan Lowry)
"I promise that if you hire me and teach me, you’ll be glad that you did.
(David Muir / Anchor)
And tonight, we are happy to report that Ryan now has multiple job opportunities to consider.

viral      ネット上で急拡散する
autism  自閉症
   a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from others in case they are carrying a disease  
post      インターネット上のサイトに投稿する 
take a chance on      ~に賭けてみる、思い切って~する、いちかばちかやってみる  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/25)

2021年08月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27356.be more of A than B(AというよりむしろB)
I heard he is more of a comedian than a teacher
27357.terrible(ひどい)very bad 類義語 awful
I have a teacher whose Joke are terrible.
27358.countless(数え切れない、無数の )too many to be counted
London is amazing city  whose attractions are countless
27359.accurate(正確な、的確な) correct and true in every detail OPP inaccurate 
You were very accurate last time.. 
27360.code(符号、記号、コード、暗号 、規則) a system of words, letters, or symbols that you use instead of ordinary writing, so that the information can only be understood by someone else who knows the system
 Here's the code which you can open the safe.