


2021年08月18日 | 爺英語

Tens of thousands of people go to Japan every year to study. Many are frustrated that the pandemic has stopped them from getting in.
An online discussion was organized Monday by Japanese language schools and other groups.
About 60 people waiting to enter the country took part, while others watched the talk streamed live.
(Participant from Italy)
"I am vaccinated. I will comply to all the rules that will be required. I will quarantine. I will take PCR tests. But please, now is the moment to let us enter the country."
Immigration authorities say last year about 49,000 people went to Japan to study, down about 60 percent from the year before.
That was largely due to the government's entry restrictions, which bar everyone except those with special circumstances.

quarantine  隔離する    a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from others in case they are carrying a disease  
bar      塞ぐ

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/18)

2021年08月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
27321.make eye contact(目を合わせる)when you look directly at someone at the same time as they are looking at you
Never make eye contact. 
27322.concession stand(売店)American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Do they have any fast food concessions at the baseball stadium? 
27323.geyser(間欠泉) a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole in the ground
The most famous geyser is in Wyoming. 
27324.erupt(噴出する) if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky 
It might erupt again soon..
27325.stall(売店) a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
There are some stalls on the side of the road.