○Practical Example
"Yu Darvish struck out 15 batters with his sharp breaking ball."
"With his outstanding pitching, the Rangers won easily."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Kaori, I am wondering whether we need columns between the chapters."
"Yes, I think it is a good idea to present our readers fun-to-read columns like “David’s Eye” in order to make this book more charming and outstanding."
「ええ、たとえば『David’s Eye』のような息抜き的コラムを読者に読んでもらうのはいい考えだと思う。それで、この本はさらに魅力的でいいものになるわ」
☆Extra Extra Point
実は2番目の例文を、I think it is a good idea to present our readers fun-to-read columns like “David’s Eye” in order to make this book more charming and glamorous.としていていたのだが、「英語便」(www.eigobin.com)のネイティブ添削で、次のようなアドバイスをもらった。
★Extra Extra Example
'glamorous' usually means relating to wealth and success. I think here 'interesting' or 'outstanding' are better terms.
うーん、やっぱり「英語便」」(www.eigobin.com)、すごく頼りになる! 英語便なしの生活はとても考えられない!