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Since April 1, 2006 (c) 2006-2025 Uesugi Hayato(上杉隼人)
◯Practical Example
"In the arid region here, It's common for summer temperatures to rise to over 40 degrees Celsius."
「この乾燥地帯では、夏に気温がセ氏 40 度以上になるのは普通のことだ」
●Extra Point
1943年に日本人収容所を訪れた写真家のアンセル・アダムス(Ansel Adams, 1902‐84)は、次の言葉を残している。
◎Extra Example
"The purpose of my work was to show how these people, suffering under a great injustice, and loss of property, businesses and professions, had overcome the sense of defeat and dispair [sic] by building for themselves a vital community in an arid (but magnificent) environment…"