the Holy Grailは、「聖杯」。「キリストが最後の晩餐に用いた杯」で、「すばらしい力を持つとされ Arthur 王とその騎士達が探し求めたとされる」と信頼厚き『ルミナス英和辞典』にはある。
そして、日常的には、a thing that you try very hard to find or achieve, but never willの意味で、すなわち「見果てぬ夢」の意味で使われる。
◯Practical Example
"To get a skill to speak English like a native speaker is the Holy Grail."
"However, Mr. K has been trying it for more than 30 years."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"But right from the start, people in the nuclear industry struggled with a big problem: cost. Making nuclear power cheap was the Holy Grail."
"That’s why they should stop it. I must say it is very harmful."