Today, 1 April 2015, marks the TENTH anniversary of GetUpEnglish!
I want to thank all of the people who have come to this site to learn English.
Please keep clicking on GetUpEnglish in the coming year!
May the Force be with you.
April 1, 2016
2016/04/01 上杉隼人
swing byで、「(…に)立ち寄る」。
○Practical Example
"Would you swing by the dry cleaner's and pick up my suit?"
"Sure. No problem."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"On my way to work, I swung by the newly opened cake restaurant to eat the much-talked-about special pancake."
"How was it, Risa?"
Today, 1 April 2010, marks the tenth anniversary of GetUpEnglish!
I want to thank all of the people who have come to this site to learn English .
I have a great passion for English language learning, and it is one of my biggest dreams that we , Japanese people , learn English and other foreign languages proficiently.
If , during these past years , I have been able to help you in any way at all in your English-language studies, then I am very happy.
Thank you again, and please keep clicking on GetUpEnglish in the coming year.
Best wishes to you all.
Hayato Uesugi