sticker priceは「(新車の)メーカー希望小売価格」。
○Practical Example
"He is a car enthusiast. He trades up for a new car every three years. In addition, he is really good at knocking down the sticker price to a great extent."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"There are two types of people in this world – people who pay sticker price for a new car and people who don't. You should aspire to be one of the latter. After you've done your research, test driven a few different models and picked out the new car you want to take home, it's time to brush up on your negotiating skills."
「世の中には二つのタイプの人たちがいる。新車をメーカー希望価格で買う人と、そうでない人だ。後者にならないといけない。調査し、違うモデルを2, 3代乗ってみて、家に乗って帰りたい新車を見つけるのだ。いまこそ交渉力を磨くのだ」