10966.stack the deck against someone(人に不利なように細工する)
Right now the economiv deck seems to be stack the deck against Generation Xers.
It is quite a come-down for them after they've developed such high expectations for their lives and careers.
10968.straintened circumstance(窮乏状態)
Many of my retired have been forced to move in with thier adult children due to straintened circumstance know why you think the economy may be on the mend.
The workers want a bigger piece of the pie.
Let's not forget about retiree.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十五番五剣山八栗寺/香川県高松市(2010/10/02)

Right now the economiv deck seems to be stack the deck against Generation Xers.
It is quite a come-down for them after they've developed such high expectations for their lives and careers.
10968.straintened circumstance(窮乏状態)
Many of my retired have been forced to move in with thier adult children due to straintened circumstance know why you think the economy may be on the mend.
The workers want a bigger piece of the pie.
Let's not forget about retiree.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十五番五剣山八栗寺/香川県高松市(2010/10/02)
