さよならをするために ビリーバンバン
11036.set one's heart on(~に心を決める)
Susie had set her heart on going back to.
11037.set something against(物を~に立てかける)
I set tne new file cabinet against the wall which covered the urly hole.
11038.set one's hopes on(~に期待をかける、~に望みをかける)
Please don't set your hopes so high on me. I don't want to let you down
11039.set foot in(~に足を踏み入れる、~に立ち入る)
I would never set foot in a olace like that.
11040.brush up against(こするように~に軽くこする)
I accidentally brushed up against a wet wall and got my shirt wet.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十二番青峰山根香寺/香川県高松市(2010/10/02)

Susie had set her heart on going back to.
11037.set something against(物を~に立てかける)
I set tne new file cabinet against the wall which covered the urly hole.
11038.set one's hopes on(~に期待をかける、~に望みをかける)
Please don't set your hopes so high on me. I don't want to let you down
11039.set foot in(~に足を踏み入れる、~に立ち入る)
I would never set foot in a olace like that.
11040.brush up against(こするように~に軽くこする)
I accidentally brushed up against a wet wall and got my shirt wet.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十二番青峰山根香寺/香川県高松市(2010/10/02)
