What kind of stake do you usually play for.
11017.come out ahead(優位に立つ、もうける、得をする)
Everybody comes out ahead.
11018.repairs and suchlike(修繕とかそのようなもの、修繕など)
e church gets money to pay for repairs and suchlike.
Prizes are pretty modest for the most part.
11020.set someone's mind at ease(人を安心させる)
Set your mind at ease. The new rules don't affect our department.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十一番綾松山白峯寺/香川県坂出市(2010/10/02)

What kind of stake do you usually play for.
11017.come out ahead(優位に立つ、もうける、得をする)
Everybody comes out ahead.
11018.repairs and suchlike(修繕とかそのようなもの、修繕など)
e church gets money to pay for repairs and suchlike.
Prizes are pretty modest for the most part.
11020.set someone's mind at ease(人を安心させる)
Set your mind at ease. The new rules don't affect our department.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第八十一番綾松山白峯寺/香川県坂出市(2010/10/02)
