

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/15)

2021年08月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
27306.That's a waste / What a waste(もったいない!)
You’re going to throw that away? What a waste
27307.Be too good for/to(〜にはもったいない)
You are too good for me. 
27308.You don’t know what you’re missing(もったいない・みすみす見逃す)
You don’t know what you’re missing!  
27309.walk around(歩き回る・ブラブラする)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
I walked around the city. . 
27310.I was wondering if(~していただけないでしょうか? )spoken used to ask someone politely to help you/ used to ask someone politely if they would like to do something
I was wondering if you could pick me up? ade every Sunday morning. 


2021年08月14日 | 読書日記





評者:信田 さよ子





Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/14)

2021年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
27301.excavation(発掘)  if a scientist or archaeologist excavates an area of land, they dig carefully to find ancient objects, bones etc
Here are some of the artifacts found during our excavation.
27302.scorching(猛烈に暑い、焼けつくほどに、痛烈な、手厳しい )extremely hot
I played tennis for too long in the scorching heat. 
27303.heatstroke(熱中症) fever and weakness caused by being outside in the heat of the sun for too long
I was treated for heatstroke
27304.mild case(軽いケース)a mild illness or health problem is not serious 
It was very mild case--nothing serious at all 
I know no one that match her language skill. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/13)

2021年08月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
27296.For instance(例えば)for example
What would you do, for instance, if you were in my shoes? 
27297.beef up(強化する)to improve something or make it more interesting, more important etc
We need to beef up our promotion for our new product. 
27298.artifect(人工物、工芸品、芸術品) an object such as a tool, weapon etc that was made in the past and is historically important
There are some ancient artifact that could fetch good price on the illegal market. 
27299.fetch(商品がある値で売れる、よい値を呼ぶ. )to be sold for a particular amount of money, especially at a public sale – used especially in news reports 
The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million. 
27300.hack(コンピューターシステム・データなどに不法に侵入し改変[盗用]する,ハックする )to secretly find a way of getting information from someone else’s computer or changing information on it
 The files hacked from my computer were not so important. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/12)

2021年08月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
27291.thread(手芸用、編み物に使う糸)a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth
Workers weave thread into beautiful shirts. 
27292.string(手芸に使う太めの糸)a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things → rope
She undid the string round the parcel. 
27293.surroundings(誰かや何かがいる場所。住んでいる条件)the objects, buildings, natural things etc that are around a person or thing at a particular time
I'm averse to such noisy surroundings
27294.averse((…を)嫌って、(…に)反対して)formal unwilling to do something or not liking something 
Jim is averse to using chemicals in the garden.  
27295.circumstances(状況を現状のままにする事実または出来事)the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc
The act was justified by the circumstances.  


2021年08月11日 | Daily Vocabulary

We start here in Tokyo, where the opening ceremony of the long-awaited Tokyo Olympics is underway. The Games were postponed by one year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Under strict antivirus measures, more than 11,000 athletes from about 200 countries and territories are streaming in to compete in a record 33 sports.
The ceremony started with a performance dedicated to athletes, who pushed themselves to the limit despite the pandemic.
The athletes wore face masks and were told to keep social distance as they marched.
A team made up of refugees is participating in the Summer Games for the second time, following Rio de Janeiro.
The ceremony and most of the competitions are being held without spectators. The number of officials attending the opening ceremony was reduced to about 950.

stream in   流れ込む、どんどん押し寄せる、大勢が次々にやってくる    
push oneself to the limit     自分の限界まで頑張る 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/11)

2021年08月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
27286.It happens(よくある / ありがち)
Don't worry, it always happens. Just restart it. 
27287.(It's a) common (よくある〜 / 一般的な〜) happening often and to many people or in many places OPP rare
Yamada is a common last name in Japan. 
27288.wholesome (健康によい、健康そうな)  likely to make you healthy
It was all good wholesome tasty food. 
27289.serviceable(使える、役に立つ、じょうぶな、実用向きの)ready or able to be used 類義語 usable 
The ale is a serviceable beer, full-bodied and tasty. 
27290.shiitake mushrooms(椎茸)
These shiitake mushrooms would make a delicious side dish. 

徒然草 第百十二段

2021年08月10日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/10)

2021年08月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
27281as ever(いつもより〜) as always happens
She was polite and kind as ever
27282.It's all in your head(気のせいだよ・ただの思い込み(思い過ごし)だよ )used to tell someone that they have imagined something and it does not really exist
It smells fine to me. It's all in your head
27283.for all we know(おそらく)for all I know.
I have no idea where Tom lives now. He may have moved to Japan for all I know. 
27284.hold out for(〜を期待して待つ)I’m not going to hold out for a better deal. I’m just going to buy it now. 
I’m not going to hold out for a better deal. I’m just going to buy it now. 
27285.on one’s own(一人で〜)
I watched YouTube videos, listened to podcasts and learned English on my own. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/09)

2021年08月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
27276.read between the lines(空気を読む / 行間を読む / 場の雰囲気を汲み取る)to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly
If you read between the lines, you can understand what he really means. 
27277.understand the situation(空気を読む / 状況を察する / 場の雰囲気を読む)
You have to understand the situation.  
27278.annoying(うざい/うっとおしい/ムカつく)making you feel slightly angry 類義語 irritating
That guy on the phone is so annoying!  
27279.get on (someone’s) nerves イライラさせる/イラつく/腹が立つ )informal if someone gets on your nerves, they annoy you, especially by doing something all the time 
She really gets on my nerves.  
27280.bug (someone) (うざい/うっとうしい)
 Please stop bugging me

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/08)

2021年08月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
27271.exit poll(出口調査)the activity of asking people how they have voted in an election in order to discover the likely result
Based on the exit polls, I think she7s going to win. 
Voca Incorporated is listed on two exchanges
27273.blue-chip(優良な)a share in a well-managed, successful company with a long record of paying profits to shareholders during good and bad economic times
Blue-chip stocks are almost always safe investment. 
27274.corruption(腐敗、汚職) dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power 
When government and business mix, corruption often occurs.
27275.blackmail(恐喝する)when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets/when someone tries to make you do what they want by making threats or by making you feel guilty if you do not do it
They blackmailed me into sighing the contract 


2021年08月07日 | 読書日記

1967年神奈川県生まれ。1990年「幸福な遊戯」で海燕新人文学賞を受賞しデビュー。『まどろむ夜のUFO』で野間文芸新人賞、『空中庭園』で婦人公論文芸賞、『対岸の彼女』で直木賞、『 八日目の蝉 』で中央公論文芸賞、『紙の月』で柴田錬三郎賞など、著作、受賞作多数

