Natalie Cole - Tell me all About it
27346.turn over a new leaf(心機一転する / 気持ちを入れ替える)to change the way you behave and become a better person
I'm ready to turn over a new leaf and make this the best year.
27347.fatherhood(父性)the state of being a father 類義語 paternity
Jerry doesn't take the responsibilities of fatherhood very seriously.
27348.sanitize(消毒・清掃などによって衛生的にする)to clean something thoroughly, removing dirt and bacteria
Please sanitize your hands frequently to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
I'm ready to turn over a new leaf and make this the best year.
27347.fatherhood(父性)the state of being a father 類義語 paternity
Jerry doesn't take the responsibilities of fatherhood very seriously.
27348.sanitize(消毒・清掃などによって衛生的にする)to clean something thoroughly, removing dirt and bacteria
Please sanitize your hands frequently to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
27349.disinfect(…を殺菌消毒する )to clean something with a chemical that destroys bacteria
The nurse cleaned and disinfected the cuts on his hands.
27350.bully(いじめる)someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt someone who is weaker
That school has a problem with bullying.
27350.bully(いじめる)someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt someone who is weaker
That school has a problem with bullying.
27341.catch up(追いつく) to improve and reach the same standard as other people in your class, group etc
I’m a little behind on my studies. I need to catch up.
27342.for a sec(ちょっと )wait a short time
I thought I mixed up the time for a sec.
27343.rain or shine(何があっても ) spoken whatever happens or whatever the weather is like
We'll go golfing this weekend, come rain or shine.
I’m a little behind on my studies. I need to catch up.
27342.for a sec(ちょっと )wait a short time
I thought I mixed up the time for a sec.
27343.rain or shine(何があっても ) spoken whatever happens or whatever the weather is like
We'll go golfing this weekend, come rain or shine.
27344.When it rains, it pours(ついてないときはとことんついてない)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage
I'm having the worst day of my life. When it rains, it pours.
27345.take a rain check(今度誘ってください / またの機会にする)
I'd love to go but I have work tonight. I'll take a rain check. We'll grab drinks next week.
27345.take a rain check(今度誘ってください / またの機会にする)
I'd love to go but I have work tonight. I'll take a rain check. We'll grab drinks next week.
「長嶋より先には死ねん! これまでずっと長嶋には負けたくないと思って生きてきたんだから。やっぱり最期も、長嶋より後がいい」
「長嶋より先には死ねん! これまでずっと長嶋には負けたくないと思って生きてきたんだから。やっぱり最期も、長嶋より後がいい」
27336.motto(座右の銘、標語、モットー) a short sentence or phrase giving a rule on how to behave, which expresses the aims or beliefs of a person, school, or institution
The school's motto was 'Work hard and play hard'
27337.mindset(考え方、思考態度)someone’s general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions 類義語 outlook
I think having the mindset to take good care of old things is great.
27338.cream puff(シュークリーム ) a piece of light pastry with a soft mixture inside
Lines for these cream puffs were hundreds of people long.
The school's motto was 'Work hard and play hard'
27337.mindset(考え方、思考態度)someone’s general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions 類義語 outlook
I think having the mindset to take good care of old things is great.
27338.cream puff(シュークリーム ) a piece of light pastry with a soft mixture inside
Lines for these cream puffs were hundreds of people long.
27339.bamboo shoots(筍)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage
Bamboo shoots are one of the spring specials in Japan.
27340.trapezoid(台形)British English a shape with four sides, none of which are parallel
27340.trapezoid(台形)British English a shape with four sides, none of which are parallel
A quadrilateral having only two sides parallel, called trapezoid guilty of(やってはいけないことをする)
I’m guilty of taking things for granted too. We have to be grateful for everything.
27332.meaning behind(~の裏にある意味 )
What do you think the meaning behind this movie is?
27333.cryptic(隠れた、秘密の、神秘的な、なぞめいた、暗号を用いた) having a meaning that is mysterious or not easily understood
That is a cryptic message. I wonder what the meaning behind it is.
I’m guilty of taking things for granted too. We have to be grateful for everything.
27332.meaning behind(~の裏にある意味 )
What do you think the meaning behind this movie is?
27333.cryptic(隠れた、秘密の、神秘的な、なぞめいた、暗号を用いた) having a meaning that is mysterious or not easily understood
That is a cryptic message. I wonder what the meaning behind it is.誰それ)
Let’s say, so-and-so, was good-looking but had a bad personality.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your application. We encourage you to consider applying next year.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your application. We encourage you to consider applying next year.
27326.pharmacist(薬剤師) someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital 類義語chemist
I waited while the pharmacist makes up my prescription.日常の(飲)食物、(治療・体重調節などのための)規定食、特別食、ダイエット、食餌(しよくじ)療法、食事制限、(デンマーク・スウェーデン・ハンガリー・日本などの)国会、議会) a way of eating in which you only eat certain foods, in order to lose weight, or to improve your health/the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day
It's never too late to improve your diet.
27328.ginseng(チョウセンニンジン) medicine made from the root of a Chinese plant, that some people think keeps you young and healthy
There is no sound evidence of Ginseng inducing harmful side effects.日常の(飲)食物、(治療・体重調節などのための)規定食、特別食、ダイエット、食餌(しよくじ)療法、食事制限、(デンマーク・スウェーデン・ハンガリー・日本などの)国会、議会) a way of eating in which you only eat certain foods, in order to lose weight, or to improve your health/the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day
It's never too late to improve your diet.
27328.ginseng(チョウセンニンジン) medicine made from the root of a Chinese plant, that some people think keeps you young and healthy
There is no sound evidence of Ginseng inducing harmful side effects.
27329.longevity(長生き、長命、寿命、生涯)the amount of time that someone or something lives /long life or the long time that something lasts
The longevity flower people say , is today's ginseng.
27330.entice((…を)そそのかして(…)させる)to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want
Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
27330.entice((…を)そそのかして(…)させる)to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want
Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
Tens of thousands of people go to Japan every year to study. Many are frustrated that the pandemic has stopped them from getting in.
An online discussion was organized Monday by Japanese language schools and other groups.
About 60 people waiting to enter the country took part, while others watched the talk streamed live.
(Participant from Italy)
"I am vaccinated. I will comply to all the rules that will be required. I will quarantine. I will take PCR tests. But please, now is the moment to let us enter the country."
Immigration authorities say last year about 49,000 people went to Japan to study, down about 60 percent from the year before.
That was largely due to the government's entry restrictions, which bar everyone except those with special circumstances.
◆quarantine 隔離する a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from others in case they are carrying a disease
An online discussion was organized Monday by Japanese language schools and other groups.
About 60 people waiting to enter the country took part, while others watched the talk streamed live.
(Participant from Italy)
"I am vaccinated. I will comply to all the rules that will be required. I will quarantine. I will take PCR tests. But please, now is the moment to let us enter the country."
Immigration authorities say last year about 49,000 people went to Japan to study, down about 60 percent from the year before.
That was largely due to the government's entry restrictions, which bar everyone except those with special circumstances.
◆quarantine 隔離する a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from others in case they are carrying a disease
◆bar 塞ぐ
27321.make eye contact(目を合わせる)when you look directly at someone at the same time as they are looking at you
Never make eye contact.
27322.concession stand(売店)American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Do they have any fast food concessions at the baseball stadium?
27323.geyser(間欠泉) a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole in the ground
The most famous geyser is in Wyoming.
Never make eye contact.
27322.concession stand(売店)American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Do they have any fast food concessions at the baseball stadium?
27323.geyser(間欠泉) a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole in the ground
The most famous geyser is in Wyoming.
27324.erupt(噴出する) if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky
It might erupt again soon..
27325.stall(売店) a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
There are some stalls on the side of the road.
27325.stall(売店) a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
There are some stalls on the side of the road.
◆鎌倉末期の随筆。吉田兼好著。上下2巻,244段からなる。1317年(文保1)から1331年(元弘1)の間に成立したか。その間,幾つかのまとまった段が少しずつ執筆され,それが編集されて現在見るような形態になったと考えられる。それらを通じて一貫した筋はなく,連歌的ともいうべき配列方法がとられている。形式は《枕草子》を模倣しているが,内容は,作者の見聞談,感想,実用知識,有職の心得など多彩であり,仏教の厭世思想を根底にもち,人生論的色彩を濃くしている。 the lead(リードしている)
Well, our team is in the lead now.
27317.go out of one's way(わざわざする、努力する)
The staff I met went out of their way to make me feel welcome
27318.cause(~の原因となる) to make something happen, especially something bad
That's the guy who caused so much trouble at yesterday's meeting.
Well, our team is in the lead now.
27317.go out of one's way(わざわざする、努力する)
The staff I met went out of their way to make me feel welcome
27318.cause(~の原因となる) to make something happen, especially something bad
That's the guy who caused so much trouble at yesterday's meeting.
27319.go on a diet(ダイエットを始める)
It looks like he needs to go on a diet..
27320.wildfire(山火事)a fire that moves quickly and cannot be controlled
Are there wildfire in this area often?
27320.wildfire(山火事)a fire that moves quickly and cannot be controlled
Are there wildfire in this area often?
Bill Henderson - I've Got a Crush on You
27311.No wonder! (なるほど、そういうことだったんだ!)especially spoken used to say that you are not surprised by something
No wonder she's so happy.
27312.Anyway(とにかく) spoken used when you want to end a conversation or leave a place
Anyway, let's figure out our schedule for next week.
27313.By the way(ところで) used when saying something that is not related to the main subject you were talking about before
By the way, I'm an English teacher. I've been teaching in Japan for 5 years.
No wonder she's so happy.
27312.Anyway(とにかく) spoken used when you want to end a conversation or leave a place
Anyway, let's figure out our schedule for next week.
27313.By the way(ところで) used when saying something that is not related to the main subject you were talking about before
By the way, I'm an English teacher. I've been teaching in Japan for 5 years.
27314.crazy about(関心がない)liking someone very much, or very interested in something
I'm not crazy about watching sports.
27315.I'm not into(興味がない)
I'm not into computer games.
27315.I'm not into(興味がない)
I'm not into computer games.