put one's money where one's mouth isは、「実際に金を賭ける」の成句。「口のある所に金を置く」ということで、「口で言うだけでなく実際に金を賭ける」の意味をしめす。
○Practical Example
"ll bet you 30 thousand yen the Swallows will win the pennant."
"You think so? Okay, put your money where your mouth is."
「そうかい? じゃあ、本当にその金を出してみろ」)。
○Extra Point
◎Extra Example
He says he's not afraid to finance our bookstore, but he won't put his money where his mouth is.
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
The president promised us an across-the-board 10 percent pay raise from April. I hope he is a man who put his money where his mouth is.