『最後のダ・ヴィンチの真実 510億円の「傑作」に群がった欲望』(集英社インターナショナル)が10月5日に発売になり、現在著者ベン・ルイスのインタビューを編集中だ。
Some people thought it was magnetic because it casts a spell over them and they feel they’re in the presence of Leonardo. But it wasn’t like that for me when I saw it in 2011 and saw it again in 2017. I am very attracted to suspicious mysteries in the art world. I really am very attracted to things that just somehow aren’t quite right. I like puzzles and I suppose, in that sense, I was magnetically attracted to the Salvator Mundi. Here was a puzzle. Could I, could anyone crack it? Could we crack this da Vinci code? That was the question, in a sense. It’s a very magnetic picture. It asks you the greatest mystery of all.
謎が解けるか? ダ・ヴィンチ・コードを解読できるか?