Douglas Wolk, All of the Marvels: An Amazing Voyage into Marvel’s Universe and 27,000 Superhero Comics(2022)
I’m making it sound like immersion in this stuff is all fun, which it’s not. Caring about superhero comics will empty your pockets, break your heart, and fill you with red-eyed indignation. They linger over stupidity and violence, and prey on their audience’s emotional identification and sense of incomplete understanding; there is cruelty and unfairness to creative geniuses stamped into every page. The whole structure is balanced on a disintegrating pile of flimsy, trivial amusements created for children of the baby boom.
翻訳難易度の高いpassageだ。They linger over stupidity and violence, and prey on their audience’s emotional identification and sense of incomplete understandingあたりはlinger(ぐずぐずする、~にたっぷり時間をかける)の動詞の処理の仕方を工夫しないといけないし、(their audience’s) sense of incomplete understanding(読者の不完全な理解の感覚)のprey on(~につけこむ、~を食い物にする)が醸し出す怒りを隠すことのできないトーンをうまく再現したい。
prey onは次のように使われる。
○Practical Example
“She preyed on his lack of confidence to try and control him.”
“His anxiety preyed on his fear of being alone.”