○Practical Example
His frail body speaks of his long years of illness.
●Extra Point
The New York TimesのMaurice Sendakの追悼記事に以下の表現があった。
◎Extra Example
"A frail child beset by a seemingly endless parade of illnesses, Mr. Sendak was reared, he said afterward, in a world of looming terrors: the Depression; World War II; the Holocaust, in which many of his European relatives perished; the seemingly infinite vulnerability of children to danger. He experienced the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in 1932 as a personal torment: if that fair-haired, blue-eyed princeling could not be kept safe, what certain peril lay in store for him, little Murray Sendak, in his humble apartment in Bensonhurst?"
frailは名詞としても使われ、a frailには俗語で「(年頃の)女、少女」という意味もある。