

Daily Vocabulary(2006/04/26)

2006年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
2031.tear one's hair out (怒り・いらだち・悲しみなどで髪をかきむしる、頭を抱える、取り乱す)
Tom has been tearing his hair out trying to convince his wife to quit smoking.
2032.come up with(アイデアなどを思い付く、考え付く、考え出す)
Where in the world did you come up with that?
We have to increase the readership of a website .
2034.in the meantime(そうしているうちに、そうこうするうちに、とかくするうちに)
In the meantime however, it looks as though business is likely to remain quite grim, at least for the next 6-12 months anyway.
2035.circulation (発行部数)
After only one year of publication, the magazine's circulation had risen from 5,000 to 20,000.

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