He did not receive sufficient recompense for his services.
2387.cough up(金・情報などをしぶしぶ渡す)
He coughed up the expensive rent for the apartment that was only available in that area.
2388.go through(困難・試練・つらいことなどを体験する、経る、経由する)
When he was a child, he went through a major operation.
2389.over the years(長年にわたって、長い年月に)
Over the years, I have experienced some of the changes that tend to happen to us as we grow older.
2390.sort out(整理する、分類する)
Let me sort out where to go in Bali for our vacation.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He did not receive sufficient recompense for his services.
2387.cough up(金・情報などをしぶしぶ渡す)
He coughed up the expensive rent for the apartment that was only available in that area.
2388.go through(困難・試練・つらいことなどを体験する、経る、経由する)
When he was a child, he went through a major operation.
2389.over the years(長年にわたって、長い年月に)
Over the years, I have experienced some of the changes that tend to happen to us as we grow older.
2390.sort out(整理する、分類する)
Let me sort out where to go in Bali for our vacation.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News