12366.give domeone up for lost(人を行方不明になったとしてあきらめる)
Give the cat up for lost. he won't come back.
12367.give way(~に道を譲る)
The car gave way to the children on their way to school.
12368.give up the fight(戦いを止める、降参する)
With only two minutes left of the game, the team didn't give up the fight.
12369.give someone a lift(人を元気づける)
It was a good conversation and her words really gave someone a lift.
12370.give the game away(種を明かす、秘密をうっかり漏らす、手の内を見せる)
He gave the game away by giving too many clues.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Give the cat up for lost. he won't come back.
12367.give way(~に道を譲る)
The car gave way to the children on their way to school.
12368.give up the fight(戦いを止める、降参する)
With only two minutes left of the game, the team didn't give up the fight.
12369.give someone a lift(人を元気づける)
It was a good conversation and her words really gave someone a lift.
12370.give the game away(種を明かす、秘密をうっかり漏らす、手の内を見せる)
He gave the game away by giving too many clues.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
