12576.serve as(~として仕事をする)
I will be serving as factory manager at our plant in Thailand.
12577.strong support(強い支持)
I appreciate your strong support over the last three years.
12578.be reassigned to(~に異動になる)
I am being reassigned to Sendai with effect from December 1.
12579.join the family business(家業を継ぐ)
I am returning to my hometown in Saga to join the family business.
Taro Yamada will be successor.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I will be serving as factory manager at our plant in Thailand.
12577.strong support(強い支持)
I appreciate your strong support over the last three years.
12578.be reassigned to(~に異動になる)
I am being reassigned to Sendai with effect from December 1.
12579.join the family business(家業を継ぐ)
I am returning to my hometown in Saga to join the family business.
Taro Yamada will be successor.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
