

初恋 小林旭

2012年03月15日 | 抒情歌
初恋 小林旭

まだあげ初めし前髪の 林檎のもとに見えしとき
前にさしたる花櫛の 花ある君と思ひけり

やさしく白き手をのべて 林檎をわれにあたへしは
薄紅の秋の実に 人こひ初めしはじめなり

わがこゝろなきためいきの その髪の毛にかゝるとき
たのしき恋の盃を 君が情に酌みしかな

Daily Vocabulary(2012/03/15)

2012年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
Call me old -fashioned, feel the screens create a barrier to communication.
12647.prefer to(より好む)
I prefer to to use pen and paper to jot down occasional notes, so that I can stay focused on the other people in the meeting.
12648.there is a fine line between(微妙な違い)
But there is a fine line between asking and insisting.
If you don't give direct eye contact to someone while they are speaking, they will assume you aren't listening, and may become annoyed or frustrated, and feel you are disrespecting them
Some of my colleagues their computers to take notes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
