You Raise Me Up - ケルティック・ウーマン
I've always been impressed by how your staffers are real self-starter.
12677.much talked-about(よく話題になる)
Another positive feature of your corporate culture is the company's much talked about volunteer program.
12678.feel-good attitude(人を心地よくさせるような態度、満足感を得るような姿勢)
We launched tha program a few years ago as part of our ongoing effort to create a feel-good attitude among our employees
12679.get one's paycheck docked(給料をさし引かれる)
We allow freer time to do volunteer work in the community without getting their paycheck docked on less income?
That atmosphere of trust and autonomy is great for employee morale and our bottom line.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I've always been impressed by how your staffers are real self-starter.
12677.much talked-about(よく話題になる)
Another positive feature of your corporate culture is the company's much talked about volunteer program.
12678.feel-good attitude(人を心地よくさせるような態度、満足感を得るような姿勢)
We launched tha program a few years ago as part of our ongoing effort to create a feel-good attitude among our employees
12679.get one's paycheck docked(給料をさし引かれる)
We allow freer time to do volunteer work in the community without getting their paycheck docked on less income?
That atmosphere of trust and autonomy is great for employee morale and our bottom line.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News