〇Practical Expression
"The scandal gave them a lot of salacious publicity, which made them even better known."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Before Lifetime agreed to make a movie called “From Straight A’s to XXX,” inspired by the true story of a Duke University freshman who moonlighted as a porn star to pay for college, the network had one condition. '[They] only wanted to do it if we told the story in such a way that it was not just about a salacious story,' said executive producer Sheri Singer."
「Lifetime(Lifetime Entertainment Services)は、デューク大学の1年生が学費を稼ぐために密かにポルノ女優になった実際の話をもとにした『From Straight A’s to XXX』の映画制作を承認するにあって、条件を1つ出した。『われわれがそれをわいせつな映画にしないと言えるのであれば、してみたいとのことだった』とエクゼクティブ・プロデューサーのシェリー・シンガーは話した」