The development of archaeology is one of the great triumphs of nineteenth- and twentieth-century research. When our story begins, everyone assumed that humans had been on earth for a mere 6,000 years. Now the time scale is 3 million years and counting. But for all the serious scholarship, we still marvel at astounding, and often unexpected, archaeological discoveries that bring the past alive. The terracotta regiment of Chinese Emperor Shihuangdi, found during the digging of a well (Chapter 31); a 3,000-year-old village in eastern England destroyed so rapidly by fire that an uneaten meal survives in a pot (Chapter 40); or finding out that 2 million years ago some humans were left-handed. These are the discoveries that make our blood quicken – and we make new finds every day.
And so, the actors are on the stage and the curtain is about to rise. Let the historical play begin!
we still marvel at astounding, and often unexpected, archaeological discoveries that bring the past alive. まさにわれわれはそうであったし、21世紀のこれからもそうであろう。