Avengers: Endgameが空前の大ヒットを記録している。
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今日のGetUpEnglishは、以下のThe New Yorkerの記事からmanipulatingの使い方を見てみましょう。
The empty churnings of last year’s “Avengers: Infinity War” ended on an impressive, if tentative, note of loss: a batch of beloved characters was reduced to ashes, murdered by Thanos (Josh Brolin), who, enabled by his possession of the six Infinity Stones, also killed half of all other living beings. The sense of grief, though, felt brazenly manipulative; given that the reversibility of time was planted as a plot element in the film, it was a foregone conclusion that these heroes would somehow be coming back in the next “Avengers” installment. As it turns out, the effort to bring them back is the story of “Avengers: Endgame,” the last film in the series.
赤字にした部分にあるmanipulativeは、「巧みな扱いの、 (自分の都合のよいように)人を巧みに操る」。時にけなして、悪い意味で使われることがあるので注意しよう。
○Practical Example
Mr. K is very skillful at exercising manipulative insincerity.
●Extra Point
よって、The sense of grief, though, felt brazenly manipulative; given that the reversibility of time was planted as a plot element in the film, it was a foregone conclusion that these heroes would somehow be coming back in the next “Avengers” installment.を訳せばこうなるだろう。
◎Extra Example
a foregone conclusionは、Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryに以下の定義と例文がある。
if you say that sth is a foregone conclusion, you mean that it is a result that is certain to happen
● The outcome of the vote is a foregone conclusion.
「アベンジャーズ エンドゲーム」をまだご覧になっていない方は、ぜひ映画館へ! この映画はわれわれの世代の最初のStar Wars作品になります!