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Montessori Lab At Home(本家本元イタリア発! わが家を最高の「モンテッソーリ園」にする61のメソッド)

2020-08-02 08:52:44 | 英語学習書

 ボランティアで少しだけ編集をお手伝いした『本家本元イタリア発! わが家を最高の「モンテッソーリ園」にする61のメソッド』がすばる舎から刊行される。


The challenge of educating a child is as important as it is complex. Today, there are innumerable types of stimuli and tools of all sorts to help children experiment and develop their cognitive skills. But what is the right process and which are the tools that most effectively favour that development? Which method of education is the most fruitful for a child?


認知言語学はcognitive linguisticsだ。

Maria Montessori formulated her method of education based on the significance of a child’s education and its invaluable importance for society as the opportunity to reconstruct a better, more peaceful world. Children have boundless cognitive and emotional potential that can best be expressed in a relationship of trust, respect and unconditional love. According to Montessori, mindful adults who know their own limits and resources know how to interact with their children as patient observers, expert models and affectionate guides to create an environment where children can develop a sense of security, self-sufficiency and independence.

Children have boundless cognitive and emotional potential that can best be expressed in a relationship of trust, respect and unconditional love.から実に魅力的な内容と思われる。

This book is a practical guide inspired by the principles of the Montessori Method of education. Here, parents of children from 1 to 5 will find interesting food for thought and practical suggestions for indoor and outdoor activities that are meant to promote the development of their children's potential and encourage their independence and sense of security. The book begins with an introduction about the origins and characteristics of the Montessori Method that will help parents to recognise their children’s windows of learning, how to behave during shared play, which recreational activities to create and suggest, how to adapt commercially available games to reflect the principles of the Montessori Method and how to prepare a home environment that suits their children's needs.


Readers will find concrete examples, illustrative images, suggestions and strategies for applying the Montessori Method at home as a part of a daily routine that help to make the method simple and accessible to everyone.


本家本元イタリア発! わが家を最高の「モンテッソーリ園」にする61のメソッド

著者 キアラ・ピローディ 著

小俣鐘子 訳

ジャンル 教育 > 教育法

出版年月日 2020年08月13日刊

ISBN 9784799109137

判型・ページ数 A5・176ページ

定価 本体1,600円+税


Chapter1 100年以上続くモンテッソーリ教育の歴史

Chapter2 家庭でできる0歳からのモンテッソーリ教育

Chapter3 感覚体験─五感を使って字や数、色を学ぶ

Chapter4 日常生活体験─ひとりで身支度、家事を手伝う

Chapter5 アウトドア活動─自然を観察する、自然で遊ぶ






著者 キアラ・ピローディ



また、神経心理学関連の専門書の執筆や共著に多数取り組み、White Star社から「Montessori, a World of Achievements」(未邦訳)と題する著書とカードボックスのシリーズ、0歳児向け絵本「赤ちゃんモンテッソーリ」シリーズ(すばる舎刊)などを出版している。

翻訳者 小俣鐘子

英日翻訳者。早稲田大学第一文学部卒。酒造会社勤務を経て、現在はフリーランスで翻訳や書評執筆に携わる。訳書に『僕はダリ』(キャサリン・イングラム著、岩崎亜矢監訳、パイ インターナショナル刊)などがある。

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