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An Interview with Matt Taddy

2020-08-22 01:41:15 | Interviews




An Interview with Matt Taddy, the author of Business Data Science: Combining Machine Learning and Economics to Optimize, Automate, and Accelerate Business Decisions.

He is now a Vice President at

1. What prompted you to write this book?  As the situation around machine learning or artificial intelligence has been continuously changing, did you have to rectify your plan or strategy while you were writing?

2. Almost a year has passed since you released this marvelous book, Business Data Science: Combining Machine Learning and Economics to Optimize, Automate, and Accelerate Business Decisions. In the meantime, have you seen any changes in this field? Do you have any topics or agendas you would like to develop after that?

3. Now here in Japan, although many businesses definitely need data scientists who can use their data to promote their products and services effectively, we still don’t have an environment sufficient enough to bring them up to the social requirement.

 You insist in this book that it is necessary to encourage business people who didn’t learn business data science to get appropriate knowledge about it by themselves as well as making more places for university students to study business science.

 Do you think it is ideal for students to master business data science at MBA level?  Or are there any other possibilities? For example, is it possible to make a program where students can study business in an elementary computer science class?

4. As a business data scientist, are there any Japanese companies or their business data you are curious about? For example, I believe Japanese auto makers or consumer game makers might be able to collect big data on their customers. The nursing-care businesses are also expanding their data as we live in an aging society. Could you tell me about it?

5. Please give us a personal message for your Japanese readers.

6. Finally, I’d like to ask you what we can do by using business data science in the age of COVID-19. I’m sure all viewers of this interview would like to hear your opinion about it.

I can’t conclude this interview without showing my appreciation for you sparing your precious time with me for this interview. Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to talk with you and to introduce a great author to the Japanese audience.

Hayato Uesugi

Japanese editor, translator, writer, and English and translation lecturer in Tokyo.




 マット・タディ (著), 上杉 隼人 (翻訳), 井上 毅郎 (翻訳)


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