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2020-08-28 08:39:05 | M



  『ザ・ギャンブラー ハリウッドとラスベガスを作った伝説の大富豪』の著者William C. Rempelに次の質問をしている。

○Practical Example


2. What most attracted you with Kirk Kerkorian? Please tell us about his personal magnetism.

Kirk had very little personal magnetism. He toned himself down to the point that he was almost invisible in a crowd. He was very shy. He was reticent—he never wanted to be the center of attention. If he was in some big public event you’d be more likely to find him in a corner somewhere sipping a drink trying to stay out of the limelight.  So that wasn’t what attracted me to him. It was his success—his comfort with risk was incredible, so learning a bit about where that came from and how that evolved was a big challenge and part of the story.

So as a journalist I was intrigued. There were people from Kerkorian’s world who didn’t want this book. They were concerned that he would not have approved. Privacy was so important to the guy, as you’d mentioned. They wanted his anonymity to go to the grave with him. But to me his story was so important, so revealing, so downright exciting, that I wanted to tell his story. I didn’t want his legacy and his life to be lost to history. As a journalist who often wrote stories people didn’t want to have published, I guess I felt a little like the bull chasing the red flag, so I went after it and that was the challenge.

●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

  Scarlett Johansson exudes sexual magnetism.



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