本日のGetUpEnglishは現在、鋭意翻訳中のDouglas Wolk, All of the Marvels: An Amazing Voyage into Marvel’s Universe and 27,000 Superhero Comics(2022)の一部を紹介する。
Reading X‑Men comics from the first few years after Claremont’s departure is like listening to one saxophonist after another attempting to play “Chasin’ the Trane”: whether they can convincingly imitate John Coltrane’s sheets of sound or not, they’re tribute acts, repeating a spontaneous invention without the spontaneity that gave it life. It took a solid decade for post-Claremont X‑Men writers to figure out how to stop recapitulating his work and start responding to it. (Devising an approach to X‑Men that doesn’t owe much to Claremont one way or another has never been a realistic option.)
*「シーツ・オブ・サウンド」(sheets of sound)はジョン・コルトレーン(1926~1967)が発達させたジャズ・サックスの奏法で、複数の音を同時に演奏することで、音が重なり合うような、複雑な多重音を作り出す。コルトレーンの代表曲「チェイシン・ザ・トレーン」(Chasin' the Trane)はシーツ・オブ・サウンドによる代表例として知られる。