1. prerogative(特権、自由な選択)
It’s my prerogative to choose where I want to live.
2. objective(目標、目的)
Our main objective is to increase customer satisfaction.
3. initiative(主導権、自発性、構想)
She took the initiative to start the project.
4. derivative(派生物、金融派生商品)
This word is a derivative of Latin.
5. motive(動機、理由)
His motive for quitting the job was unclear.
6. alternative(代替案、別の選択肢)
We need to find an alternative to fossil fuels.
7. perspective(観点、視点)
Try looking at the issue from a different perspective.
8. relative(親戚、関係者)
I visited my relatives during the holidays.
9. captive(捕虜、囚われの人)
The soldiers were taken captive during the war.
10. incentive(動機付け、奨励策)
The company offers incentives for high performance.
It’s my prerogative to choose where I want to live.
2. objective(目標、目的)
Our main objective is to increase customer satisfaction.
3. initiative(主導権、自発性、構想)
She took the initiative to start the project.
4. derivative(派生物、金融派生商品)
This word is a derivative of Latin.
5. motive(動機、理由)
His motive for quitting the job was unclear.
6. alternative(代替案、別の選択肢)
We need to find an alternative to fossil fuels.
7. perspective(観点、視点)
Try looking at the issue from a different perspective.
8. relative(親戚、関係者)
I visited my relatives during the holidays.
9. captive(捕虜、囚われの人)
The soldiers were taken captive during the war.
10. incentive(動機付け、奨励策)
The company offers incentives for high performance.