◯Practical Example
"He was deprived of his estates by confiscation."
"What did he do?"
●Extra Point
もう一例。 税関などで、よく次のような注意書きを目にする。
◎Extra Example
"Please note: You are required to notify customs officials if you are carrying a sum total of more than $5,000(U.S) in foreign currencies. Failure to do so can result in confiscation."
「注意: 外貨総額5000ドル(米国)以上を持ち込む場合は、税関係官に申告しなければなりません。申告を怠ると、没収されることがあります」
今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を考えよう。 一番簡単なのは、動詞rushを使った表現だ。
○Practical Example
"Yayoi, if you don't hurry up, we'll be late for our plane."
"Don't rush me, Madoka. If we leave now, we'll be there a good hour ahead of time."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"That company gave us problems a while back with late delivery."
"Maybe we should start pushing them now."
dividendは「配当金」。 今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を学習しよう。
◯Practical Example
"Business at AtoZ is going well."
"The company is expected to declare a larger dividend."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The board of directors of Netstreet declared a dividend of 3.25 dollars per share of common stock."
"The Taito-ku based company must be raking in the profits."
○Practical Example
"At that point people broke out into spontaneous applause for him."
"He did outstanding performance."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Your English is so natural and spontaneous."
"Thank you very much."
◯Practical Point
"The forthcoming complete works of Sakaguchi Ango, which includes the author’s works recently discovered and never previously published, can be described as exhaustive and definitive."
"That’s great. We must buy."
●Extra Point
far from exhaustive(徹底的などころではない)という言い方もよくする。
◎Extra Example
"His treatment of Miyazawa Kenji’s poem is far from exhaustive."
"We can’t trust him."