up to one’s neckで「(仕事に)没頭して、忙殺されて、(借金に)身動きがとれなくて」。
○Practical Example
"I won't have time to see you this week, Chirstine. I'm up to my neck in work."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. K is up to his neck in debt with the local loan sharks, but he still seems convinced that he can gamble his way back into a decent life."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Exra Example
"Masa wanted to back out but couldn't. He found that he was already up to his neck."
〇Practical Expression
"The scandal gave them a lot of salacious publicity, which made them even better known."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Before Lifetime agreed to make a movie called “From Straight A’s to XXX,” inspired by the true story of a Duke University freshman who moonlighted as a porn star to pay for college, the network had one condition. '[They] only wanted to do it if we told the story in such a way that it was not just about a salacious story,' said executive producer Sheri Singer."
「Lifetime(Lifetime Entertainment Services)は、デューク大学の1年生が学費を稼ぐために密かにポルノ女優になった実際の話をもとにした『From Straight A’s to XXX』の映画制作を承認するにあって、条件を1つ出した。『われわれがそれをわいせつな映画にしないと言えるのであれば、してみたいとのことだった』とエクゼクティブ・プロデューサーのシェリー・シンガーは話した」
○Practical Example
Wonderful smells always emanated from my mother's kitchen.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Even now, more than fifty years later, her face emanates the sense of loss and suffering she experienced in the war."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
There’s a targeted “Gaslight” attack on journalists designed to make them doubt their sanity. It’s emanating from the White House and aims to drag everyone down the rabbit hole where 2+2=5.
○Practical Example
Their grounds for discussion are very tenuous.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Second, the fact that such details of this call were leaked is yet more evidence that officials in Trump’s own administration are deeply concerned over the direction in which he is taking the country, and his tenuous grasp of sensitive national security issues.
動詞unloadは「 (車・船などの)荷を降ろす、(乗り物が客を)降ろす」。
○Practical Example
"Should you need additional assistance with your transfer, please let us know. We provide services to help you unload and arrange your belongings quickly upon occupancy."
●Extra Point
unload onで「(…に)一喝する、どなりつける」の意味でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Point
"A gateway opened before them. From it, Stephen Strange emerged, shivering, covered in snow, teeth chattering. He couldn’t take his eyes off The Ancient One. He was full of anger, and ready to unload on her, until it hit him: He had done it."
○Practical Example
"Kamar-Taj is bound to three Sanctum Sanctorums, each guarded by its own master. Secret, holly places where the world’s meridians of power intersect."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Benedict Cumberbatch is at the meridian of his prosperity."
○Practical Example
"Today's cars are much less likely to kill or maim their occupants in a collision."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Strange’s eye went wider. “What if it’s just...overdue? Any late fees I should know about?” No reaction. “Maiming, perhaps? An amputation?” Strange continued, trying to elicit some kind of response from Wong.
ストレンジの目は大きく開いた。「返却が遅れたらどうなる? 延滞料金を支払うことになるか?」 反応はない。「本を損傷したら? 手足を切断される?」ストレンジは言葉をつづけて、ウォンから反応を引き出そうとした。
shell outは、「…に金を(しぶしぶ)支払う」。この場合のshellは「(木の実などの)固い殻、(豆の)さや」。この「さや」から豆をさやから出すというイメージから生まれた表現。
○Practical Example
"Against the backdrop of a tough market environment, analysts are skeptical if the IT company can contribute to shell out huge bonuses to its executives."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The diamond sparkled on Miyuki’s finger."
"Her fiancé bought it for her. He shelled out a lot of money for it."
finesseは「巧みな技巧、手腕; 巧みさ」。fineを意味するフランス語から来ている。
○Practical Expression
"He accomplished the difficult task with perfect finesse."
●Extra Point
"Watching his fingers try to activate the screen was like watching someone trying to thread a needle with a baseball bat. The action required finesse, but all Strange could do was bang a finder against the screen. He had no control."
○Practical Example
"The notion that a Jedi might have been used nearly floored Obi-Wan. An army of clones strong in the Force?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Shifting into the opposite lane, Strange floored the gas pedal, pulling ahead."
○Practical Example
"That stained-glass window gives the foyer a touch of class, don't you think, Noriko?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I wonder which clock we should put in the foyer."
"How about this one? It has a handsome appearance, Kyoko."
☆Extra Extra Point
話題の映画Doctor Strangeのあの場所もfoyerで表現されている。
★Extra Extra Example
"As Stephen Strange stepped inside the foyer of the Sanctum Sanctorum, he noticed an eerie stillness."
get one's bearingsは、「(自分の)位置[方角、方向]がわかる」。
bearingsはもともと海事用語で、「(星、月、太陽などの目標物に対する自己の相対的)位置」の意。bearingsと複数形になっているのは、船の「位置」は経度と緯度の両方によって表されるからである。The navigator took the ship's bearings.(航海士は船の現在位置を測定した)。転じて、多くはget one's bearingsの形で「(人の)位置[方角]」についても使う。
○Practical Example
“Sorry, just getting my bearings,” Strange said slowly.
“Eh, that’s me every day,” replied the older man. "Good luck with the circus." And the old man shuffled off down the sidewalk.
Circus? thought Strange. Then he remembered, looked down, and saw what the old man meant. He was still wearing the blue robes he had acquired in Kamar-Taj.
サーカス? ストレンジはふと考えた。そして思い出し、体を見下して、老人が言ったことを理解した。彼はそのときもカマラタージでもらった青いローブを着ていたのだ。
これはこの本にある描写だが、Marvelのjunior novelシリーズは実はかなり英語のリーディング学習に役に立つ。
Marvel's Doctor Strange: The Junior Novel by Marvel
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
For a long time I couldn't decide what to do with my life. I had been out of school for several years before I finally found [got] my bearings.
find one’s bearingとしても使われる。
○Practical Example
"Today our team has overcome a host of obstacles and difficulties to complete the project."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"In addition to a host of artistic shows and performances, the festival offers other forms of fun, including a variety of exotic food stands and family-centered entertainment."