Nancy Wilson - Alfie (Capitol Records 1967)
29676.hard to say (言い難い)
It’s hard to say what’s going to happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.
29677.mouth (口の動きで伝える、声に出さずにいう to move your lips in the same way you do when you are saying words, but without making any sound
My teacher caught me mouthing answers to my friend during the test.
29678.Come down with (病気にかかる )to get an illness
It’s hard to say what’s going to happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.
29677.mouth (口の動きで伝える、声に出さずにいう to move your lips in the same way you do when you are saying words, but without making any sound
My teacher caught me mouthing answers to my friend during the test.
29678.Come down with (病気にかかる )to get an illness
Sorry, not tonight. I came down with a nasty cold.
29679.look into (詳しく調べる )to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it 類義語 investigate
Let me look into it a little bit more. I'll get back to you by tomorrow.
29680.shoulder (背負う、担う)shoulder the responsibility/duty/cost/burden etc
Moms shouldn’t have to shoulder all the responsibility for rising kids..
Let me look into it a little bit more. I'll get back to you by tomorrow.
29680.shoulder (背負う、担う)shoulder the responsibility/duty/cost/burden etc
Moms shouldn’t have to shoulder all the responsibility for rising kids..