

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/19)

2022年12月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
29746.creepy   (不気味な )making you feel nervous and slightly frightened 
On my way home, a creepy guy followed me all the way to the train station. 
29747.make someone comfortable.   (人を心地よくさせる )
Have a seat and make yourself comfortable  
29748.I’ll get it  (私がおごるよ  )
No, you paid for the last dinner, so I'll get this one
29749.Kill the mood   (ムードを壊す )
You shouldn’t constantly check your cell phone on a date. It’ll kill the mood
29750.revise   ((間違いを)訂正する )to change something because of new information or ideas 
Attached is the revised annual report.