

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/02)

2022年12月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
29661.exclusive (排他的な、独占的な) available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared/ exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so expensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them 
The magazine ren an exclusive interview with Sakurada Hiyori. 
29662.possessive (独占欲の強い ) wanting someone to have feelings of love or friendship for you and no one else/unwilling to let other people use something you own 
My ex-boyfriend was so possessive of me. 
29663.hog(独り占めする )to keep, use, or have all of something that should be shared 
My father always hogs the bathroom in the morning.
29664.experienced(経験豊かな、ベテランの)possessing skills or knowledge because you have done something often or for a long time OPP inexperienced 
Experienced taxi drivers know tons of shortcut. 
29665.mentor (信頼できる相談相手、指導役)an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person 
I’m going to take my mentor's advice and be more assertive.