シューマン 交響曲第三番 - サヴァリシュ ドレスデン国立歌劇場管弦楽団
29766.couple (一対、2つ )
You can buy things online with just a couple of clicks.
29767.a few (少しの、少数の)
I gained a few kilograms over winter break.
29768.flatly (きっぱりと、断固として )
You can buy things online with just a couple of clicks.
29767.a few (少しの、少数の)
I gained a few kilograms over winter break.
29768.flatly (きっぱりと、断固として )
Kevin flatly denied rumors of the group’s breakup.
29769.cycle a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order
The seasons come and go in a never-ending cycle
29770.circulation (つらら)a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order /American English to go through a series of related events again and again, or to make something do this / the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month
They say that garlic is good for your circulation.
The seasons come and go in a never-ending cycle
29770.circulation (つらら)a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order /American English to go through a series of related events again and again, or to make something do this / the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month
They say that garlic is good for your circulation.