


2022年12月28日 | 爺英語

A recovery in bluefin tuna stocks has prompted conservation officials to raise their catch quota in the main fishing grounds of the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
The new limit will be the highest on record.
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas says the quota will be increased by nearly 13 percent to 40,570 tons per year.
It fell to a record low of 12,900 tons in 2011 and 2012. The new quota will be in effect for a three-year period from 2023.
Japan's annual allocation will be 3,114 tons, up by about 300 tons. It's the largest amount ever for the country and is expected to lead to lower prices at home.

catch quota 漁獲枠   
in effect 有効になる、実施されて、発効されて  used when you are describing what you see as the real facts of a situation 類義語 effectively 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/28)

2022年12月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
29791.cranky   (カリカリ」(イライラする)  ) informal bad-tempered 
Why are you so cranky today? 
29792.crunch / crunchy     (擬音語の「カリカリ」 )  food that is crunchy is firm and makes a noise when you bite it – usually used to show approval 
These are crunchy and really good. 
29793.Can't go wrong  (間違いない / 失敗のしようがない   )spoken used to say that a particular object will always be suitable, satisfactory, or work well 
You can't go wrong with wine from Napa Valley.  with wine from Napa Valley. 
29794.in a row  (連続して)happening a number of times, one after the other 類義語 consecutively
She won the speech contest for the third year in a row
29795.straight   続けて)a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
It’s been raining for 6 straight days. When is it going to stop?