

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/25)

2022年12月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
29776.down to earth   (堅実な人 )practical and direct in a sensible honest way 
I like someone that’s down to earth and kind. 
29777.laid-back   (のんびりした人 / おおらかな人 )  irelaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything OPP uptight 
Eric is my favorite teacher because he is so laid-back. 
29778.go-getter  (やり手 / なんでも進んでやる人 / 野心家  )Someone who is likely to be successful because they are very determined and have a lot of energy
Someone who is likely to be successful because they are very determined and have a lot of energy  . 
29779.happy-go-lucky   (のんきな人 / 楽天的 )enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going 
My sister has always been a happy-go-lucky sort of person.  
29780.class act (一流の人 / 立派な人 )
I really respect coach Jones. He’s a real class act. .