RC Succession - トランジスタ・ラジオ
29691.zit(ニキビ )a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
My friend is one of those lucky teenagers who never gets a zit
29692.tidy up (かたずける )a room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place 類義語 neat OPP untidy, messy
Do you want any help tidying up the living room?
29693.neat(きちんとした、こぎれいな )tidy and carefully arranged
My friend is one of those lucky teenagers who never gets a zit
29692.tidy up (かたずける )a room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place 類義語 neat OPP untidy, messy
Do you want any help tidying up the living room?
29693.neat(きちんとした、こぎれいな )tidy and carefully arranged
I try to keep my rooms as neat as possible.
29694.organize (整理する)to arrange things in a particular order or pattern
I spent all day organizing the kid's toys.
29695.on call (呼べばすぐ応じる、当番の )feeling or showing a
I’ll be on call, so contact me if anything happens.
I spent all day organizing the kid's toys.
29695.on call (呼べばすぐ応じる、当番の )feeling or showing a
I’ll be on call, so contact me if anything happens.