フルート協奏曲 ヘ長調 Op. 10-1 『海の嵐』 I. Allegro
29801.report card (通信簿、成績表)a written statement by teachers about a child’s work at school, which is sent to his or her parents
My son tried to hide his report from me.
My son tried to hide his report from me.
29802.conferencen (面談)
What time do parent-teacher conferences start?
29803.nimble (動きの速い、すばやい、敏捷な、速くて、すばやくて、理解の早い )able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements 類義語 agile
What time do parent-teacher conferences start?
29803.nimble (動きの速い、すばやい、敏捷な、速くて、すばやくて、理解の早い )able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements 類義語 agile
Look at his footwork. I've never seen someone that nimble.
29804.snuggle (よりそう )to settle into a warm comfortable position
We snuggled together on the bench and gazed at the twinkling illumination.
29805.adapt (適応する、順応する)
Yoko adapted quickly to her new job assignment.
We snuggled together on the bench and gazed at the twinkling illumination.
29805.adapt (適応する、順応する)
Yoko adapted quickly to her new job assignment.