

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/09)

2022年12月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
29696.diploma (免状、卒業証書、学位記、賞状 )British English a document showing that someone has successfully completed a course of study or passed an examination 
I guess having a vision is more important than having a diploma
29697.be fine with (~にとって問題がない )
Anything is fine with me.
29698.stunning(気絶させる、ぼうっとさせる、耳を聞こえなくする、すてきな、魅力的な、すばらしい )extremely attractive or beautiful 
This car is stunning
29699.whining (泣き言)to complain in a sad annoying voice about something 類義語 moan 
I just can't stand your constant whining
29700.obstinate (がんこな、強情な、難治の、手に負えない )determined not to change your ideas, behavior, opinions etc, even when other people think you are being unreasonable 類義語 stubborn 
He's really obstinate, just like his dad.