


2022年12月21日 | 爺英語
Health workers in Japan are looking to new tools to fight COVID-19 as the country faces an eighth wave of infections.
Doctors have started prescribing an oral drug available for low-risk patients.
The Japanese government gave emergency approval of Xocova last week. The first domestically developed oral drug is made by pharmaceutical firm Shionogi.
Doctors say it's difficult to predict who COVID will hit hard. They wanted a drug they could prescribe more broadly.
The government plans to provide hospitals across the nation with enough doses for one million patients.
Health officials approved on Monday public sales of antigen test kits that can simultaneously check for the coronavirus and seasonal influenza.

hit hard 大きな打撃・衝撃を与える  to be badly affected by something that has happened 
antigen test kits 抗原検査キット 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/21)

2022年12月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
29756.Are you gonna be~  (予定をさりげなく聞く)
I'm gonna be at my parents’house for New New Year's.
29757.going-away party  (送別会)  
We're having a going-away party for our boss.
29758.intelligent an intelligent person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly 
They are highly intelligent animals. 
29759.repellent  (忌避剤)very unpleasant → repulsive 
Make sue you have waterproof shoes, thick socks ,glove and mosquito repellent.
29760.sighting  (照準を合わせること、目撃 )an occasion on which something is seen, especially something rare or something that people are hoping to see 
I heard that there have been more sighting more  recently.