

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/16)

2022年12月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
29731.boil down  (煮詰まる、(…に)要約される  )
Boil the soup down until it becomes thick. 
29732.breakdown (破損、故障、崩壊、没落、瓦解(がかい)、(交渉などの)決裂、挫折(ざせつ)、(精神・肉体などの)衰弱、分析、分類 ) fa serious medical condition in which someone becomes mentally ill and is unable to work or deal with ordinary situations in life 
He has a nervous breakdown
29733.cool down to become calm after being angry 
After I cooled down I realized I had been wrong. 
29734.in private (内々に、こっそりと)
Can I ask something in private?
29735.drop out  (落ちる、脱落する、省かれる、欠ける、参加しない、抜ける、中退する、引退する、落伍する )to no longer do an activity or belong to a group /to leave a school or university before your course has finished 
The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.