

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/23)

2022年12月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
29766.couple  (一対、2つ ) 
You can buy things online with just a couple of clicks.
29767.a few  少しの、少数の)
I gained a few kilograms over winter break. 
29768.flatly (きっぱりと、断固として  )
Kevin flatly denied rumors of the group’s breakup.
29769.cycle  a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order 
The seasons come and go in a never-ending cycle
29770.circulation  (つらら)a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order /American English to go through a series of related events again and again, or to make something do this / the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month 
They say that garlic is good for your circulation.

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/22)

2022年12月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29761.counselor   someone whose job is to help and support people with problems 
Student counsellors say there's a lot of pressure at college these days. 
29762.consultant  (相談相手 )    someone whose job is to give advice on a particular subject 
The company employed management consultants to help with their strategy for the future. 
29763.adviser (相談相手、顧問  )someone whose job is to give advice because they know a lot about a subject, especially in business, law, or politics 
Talk to an independent financial adviser before you invest your money. 
29764.no wonder~  (なるほど〜わけだ )
Oh, no wonder you're so good.
29765.extinct  an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore 
Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 


2022年12月21日 | 爺英語
Health workers in Japan are looking to new tools to fight COVID-19 as the country faces an eighth wave of infections.
Doctors have started prescribing an oral drug available for low-risk patients.
The Japanese government gave emergency approval of Xocova last week. The first domestically developed oral drug is made by pharmaceutical firm Shionogi.
Doctors say it's difficult to predict who COVID will hit hard. They wanted a drug they could prescribe more broadly.
The government plans to provide hospitals across the nation with enough doses for one million patients.
Health officials approved on Monday public sales of antigen test kits that can simultaneously check for the coronavirus and seasonal influenza.

hit hard 大きな打撃・衝撃を与える  to be badly affected by something that has happened 
antigen test kits 抗原検査キット 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/21)

2022年12月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
29756.Are you gonna be~  (予定をさりげなく聞く)
I'm gonna be at my parents’house for New New Year's.
29757.going-away party  (送別会)  
We're having a going-away party for our boss.
29758.intelligent an intelligent person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly 
They are highly intelligent animals. 
29759.repellent  (忌避剤)very unpleasant → repulsive 
Make sue you have waterproof shoes, thick socks ,glove and mosquito repellent.
29760.sighting  (照準を合わせること、目撃 )an occasion on which something is seen, especially something rare or something that people are hoping to see 
I heard that there have been more sighting more  recently. 

徒然草 第百八十三段

2022年12月20日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/20)

2022年12月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
29751.Do you have a minute/second?  (ちょっといい?  )
I just finished my current assignment. Could you let me know when you have a minute, so we can discuss it? 
29752.Can I borrow you for a minute/second?   (ちょっといい? )
Hi Bob, can I borrow you for a second? I am looking for accommodation in Chicago, and I know you're familiar with the city. 
29753.Is this a good time?  (今、よろしいでしょうか? / 今、大丈夫?   )
Hello, my name is Jackie, I'm calling from city hall to discuss your daughter's day care situation. Is this a good time? 
29754.modify    ((部分的に)修正する/改善する )to make small changes to something in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective 類義語 adapt 
I modified the computers per your request. 
29755.uneasy   (不安な、心配な、気にかかる )worried or slightly afraid because you think that something bad might happen 
I feel uneasy performing in front of a crowd. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/19)

2022年12月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
29746.creepy   (不気味な )making you feel nervous and slightly frightened 
On my way home, a creepy guy followed me all the way to the train station. 
29747.make someone comfortable.   (人を心地よくさせる )
Have a seat and make yourself comfortable  
29748.I’ll get it  (私がおごるよ  )
No, you paid for the last dinner, so I'll get this one
29749.Kill the mood   (ムードを壊す )
You shouldn’t constantly check your cell phone on a date. It’ll kill the mood
29750.revise   ((間違いを)訂正する )to change something because of new information or ideas 
Attached is the revised annual report. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/18)

2022年12月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
29741.on a par  to be at the same level or standard 
To be honest, it's about on a par at the moment in terms of convenience.
29742.snooze·fest       something that is very boring 類義語 borefest 
It was a bit of a snooze fest
29743.subpar something that is subpar is below the level of quality, performance etc that you would usually expect 
The banks had subpar earnings due to bad loans. 
29744.slow burn slow
The review I read said it was a slow burn
29745.fluctuation  (変動、増減)a change in a price, amount, level etc 類義語 variation 
Have you  had any fluctuation in your weight recently? 


2022年12月17日 | 読書日記




最近、和井内貞行を教わったであろう時に担任だった、敬愛する古城 操先生が亡くなった。納骨直後に当時の悪童たちとお墓参りをした。

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/17)

2022年12月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
29736.tell off  (叱る)near 
I often get told off when I was a school kid.
29737.get off the work  (仕事が終わる)    to finish work and leave the place where you work at the end of the day 
What time do you get off work
29738.show off (見せびらかす  )to try to make people admire your abilities, achievements, or possessions – used to show disapproval → show-off/ off to show something to a lot of people because you are very proud of it 
Dave always shows off in front of girls. 
29739.show up informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you 類義語 turn up 
I have come up with the reason for not showing up.
29740.work it out (うまくやる)
 Calm down. Even though we're running out of time, I'm sure we can work it out. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/12/16)

2022年12月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
29731.boil down  (煮詰まる、(…に)要約される  )
Boil the soup down until it becomes thick. 
29732.breakdown (破損、故障、崩壊、没落、瓦解(がかい)、(交渉などの)決裂、挫折(ざせつ)、(精神・肉体などの)衰弱、分析、分類 ) fa serious medical condition in which someone becomes mentally ill and is unable to work or deal with ordinary situations in life 
He has a nervous breakdown
29733.cool down to become calm after being angry 
After I cooled down I realized I had been wrong. 
29734.in private (内々に、こっそりと)
Can I ask something in private?
29735.drop out  (落ちる、脱落する、省かれる、欠ける、参加しない、抜ける、中退する、引退する、落伍する )to no longer do an activity or belong to a group /to leave a school or university before your course has finished 
The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.