「最盛期」と考えて、in the prime of one’s careerを使えばいいと思う。
TOEIC SWテストやTOEICで出されるような質問に答える形で、例文を示す。
◯Practical Example
"Some people prefer to start their own company and be their own boss. Others prefer to work as an employee in a company. Which do you prefer?"
"Several years ago I wanted to be an employee of a company. I wanted to do a good as an employee of a company. But, I'm now in the prime of my career. So, I want to start my own company and be a boss."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Some people prefer to work in a large company while others prefer to work in a small, starting company. Which do you prefer?"
"Several years ago, I preferred to work in a large company. If you are in a large company, you can get paid with high salary and life-long employment from the company. But now I'm now in the prime of my career, and I'm really confident in starting my own company with coworkers I can trust on."