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I can’t imagine life without Eigobin.

2011-11-23 01:43:01 | E






 "Some people think physical appearance is important in determining the character of a person. Others value only the inside of the person. Which opinion do you think is more important and why? Give specific details and examples in your answer."  


 I want to say that we must value the inside of the person.

 But in reality, it is true physical appearance is important in determining the value of the person especially on the business scene.

 We must admit that the people who can give a good impression to others can sometimes do a better job than the people who don't.

 But we don't have to have a good face or appearance. Just only what we need is to be neat and clean.

 And by trying to be neat and clean, we can have confidence.

 That's the reason why I think the physical appearance is important on the business scene.  



01. I want to say that we must value the inside of the person.

02. But in reality, it is true physical appearance is important in determining the value of the person especially in the business world.

03.We must admit that the people who can make a good impression on others can sometimes do a better job than the people who don't.

04. But we don't have to have an attractive face or appearance. We only need to be neat and clean.

05. And by trying to be neat and clean, we can have confidence.

06. That's the reason why I think physical appearance is important in the business world.


01. This is an excellent sentence.

02. 'on the business scene' is okay but both 'in the business world' or 'in business situations' are more natural situations. Also, I am not sure if this is for a writing exercise or a speaking one, but 'but' is usually not used in formal/academic writing. 'however' is a more academic term.

03. People 'make' an impression 'on ' others.

04. We don't really classify faces as good or bad. You can use 'attractive/unattractive' to refer to the idea that they are nice looking. 'just' and 'only' have similar meanings so it is redundant to use them together. Also, the word order here was a bit awkward so I changed the order.

05. This is a wonderful sentence!

06. I changed this to make it more natural. One thing to be aware of is that the question is asking about a general situation not just a business situation. You had excellent ideas but in your last sentence it would be better to end with the idea that answers the overall question.  


 英語便は英検やTOEFL, TOEIC SWテストのライティング問題にも対応してくれているので、とってもありがたいです。特にTOEIC SWテストは問題の制限時間がタイマーで表示されますので、本番さながらのpracticeができます。 





 「添削つきの7日間の無料トライアル」がありますので、まずはこれから試してみてはいかがでしょうか? メールアドレスのみで簡単登録できます。

 もう今では英語便のない生活は考えられません(I can’t imagine life without Eigobin.)

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