a blessing in disguiseは、「災難に見えて実は祝福すべきこと」
in disguiseは字義どおりには「変装している」
○Practical Example
Being declined my proposal was a blessing in disguise. Another publisher found it interesting and it was published within a year.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
My mental problem should be looked on as a blessing in disguise since it made me break up with some people who did me a mischief. In addition, thanks to it, now I can do more job.
do someone a mischiefは「人に危害を加える」
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
“Come on, Jules, " Jan said gently, and put her hand on my knee. “I know you are so heartbroken and cannot get through this. But I believe it would turn out to be a blessing in disguise someday."