petulanceは、「かんしゃく, すねること, 短気, 不機嫌(な言動)」(リーダーズ)。
○Practical English
"She crossed her arms with a look of petulance, refusing to speak until she got her way."
"His petulance at not winning the game was evident in the way he stomped out of the room."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The child's petulance grew louder as he was denied another piece of candy."
○Practical English
"She crossed her arms with a look of petulance, refusing to speak until she got her way."
"His petulance at not winning the game was evident in the way he stomped out of the room."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The child's petulance grew louder as he was denied another piece of candy."