swathは「刈り幅; ひと刈り」であるが、比喩的に「大きな部分, 広い範囲」(リーダーズ)の意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
"The hurricane left a wide swath of destruction along the coastline."
"The politician’s speech appealed to a broad swath of the population."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
”The new policy affects a significant swath of the workforce.”
”A swath of voters expressed dissatisfaction with the recent government decisions.”
○Practical Example
"The hurricane left a wide swath of destruction along the coastline."
"The politician’s speech appealed to a broad swath of the population."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
”The new policy affects a significant swath of the workforce.”
”A swath of voters expressed dissatisfaction with the recent government decisions.”